Friday, March 03, 2006

Vandy's Kids: 2 March Open Topic

This is a Test...Only a Test...
Don't Crawl Under Your Desks and Cover Your Heads!

* Remember the Atomic Bomb scares of the 1950's? I always bumped my head & knees!

* Remember the Polio Vaccines? I threw up in a big plate of cookies after the nurse shot me up!

* Remember the TB skin tests?

Better yet:

* Remember madras shirts? Loafers with no socks? The Pony by Chubby Checker?

Enough of the Test...I'm going to Publish...Don't Laugh At Me


Blogger Greybeard said...

I'm delighted!
The more the merrier!

I remember everything listed, and a few more fads that I'm sure we'll discuss in the future!
My grandfather was so frightened by the Atom bomb, he bought a piece of property on a lake in Southern Indiana and we cut a slice out of a hill to build a home/bomb-shelter combination.
(We never finished it. It was a lot of work for nothing.)

I'm headed over to VK to add you to the Blogroll!

Welcome, Fly.....
How exciting!

8:40 PM  
Blogger Flygirl said...

OMG!!! I'm really out there? I thought this silly test was hidden away somewhere in Blog Land!

GB: I love your grandfather's bomb shelter!!! Also, glad you're back among the "not-on-vacation" crowd. But glad that you had a great time in Galveston with the old buddies!

Ferd: What was it that Forrest Gump said: "Life is like a box of chocolates?" Well, I just kept pinching them, looking for the caramels...ha! We'll see if I've got any Blog Tales? I'd rather follow the Blog of others. Still trying to hook up with you in April. Still not sure of my schedule...but I'll be there, if possible. I wouldn't miss seeing you in Orlando!

8:16 PM  
Blogger Greybeard said...

You know they still do the TB test.
Those of us in health care that might be exposed to one strain or another have to take the test yearly, and it is administered exactly the way you remember it.....they use a needle and prick your skin multiple times in one small area to see if you'll have a reaction.

Thank Goodness I've been negative to this point.
There is a strain now that is resistant to antibiotics that is gonna start being a problem. Watch the news, you're gonna hear about it.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Flygirl said...

Oh how familiar I am with this new TB strain! My dad's health started failing in about 1996, and I had him in and out of the hospital soooooo many times with various problems. At one point, the Doc's were thinking that he'd contracted this new TB strain! Luckily, he had a very rare and nasty bacterial infection: Norcardia!!!What a disaster this thing is going to be when it hits us... and it will! There have already been several cases here in the Sarasota area! Most of these cases have been in schools!!! Can you believe that? I try to stay away from people as much as I can. Call me paranoid...but all the Northerns bring down their germs every year; and every year it gets worse & worse!
I commend you, and all the other health-care folks, for what you do every day for the public!
Keep on taking those prickey needle tests! Sometimes, it's an ugly world out there, and we have to fight it however we can!
Stay Well! Stay Safe!

8:00 PM  
Blogger THIRDWAVEDAVE said...

I am somewhat of an expert on TB; I tested positive back in 1973. However, with the year-long drug therapy that's administered, it's held in check.

The new strain of TB that's showing up in Florida isn't coming from the yanks up north; it's mainly coming from people from other countries. Mexico, South America, ect.

We controlled most diseases years ago within our borders through the shots we all took as kids growing up. But, as you mention, things are changing now and old diseases are beginning to crop up again, and TB isn't the only one.

You're correct: We will be hearing about this more and more.

8:43 PM  
Blogger Flygirl said...

Great that you've got your TB in check! That's almost a miracle.

Also, glad to know that the Yanks aren't responsible for this strain of TB. I'll stop blaming them for it; I blame them for enough other stuff.

Isn't small pox raising its ugly head again? That's very scarrrrry!

5:31 PM  
Blogger Purple Tabby said...

Flygirl I love your blog! So happy so see you here!

Some books you might enjoy if you like scary diseases –

Hot Zones by Richard Preston, one of the best science writers in the business, and this particular book is based on real events. His brother is an MD at the CDC so there are lots of interesting tidbits that just increase the pucker factor. His books are fast passed though; don’t start it if you have lots of other things to do

The Cobra Event, also a Preston book but fiction based on a lotta truth. I really thought this is what they would find in Iraq and I’m not totally convinced that the “cooker” isn’t somewhere in the Middle East.

Demon in the Freezer, by Preston too, gives a lot of detailed information about anthrax, smallpox and some other nasties, what countries have them in the freezer and our response to bioterrorism after 9/11

Another non-fiction that curled my hair was Flu by Gina Kolata. We like to NEVER got soldiers off to WW I because everyone had the flu! Poor guys! They avoided or survived the Great Flu only to go to a muddy trench in France. Geez Louise.

The Bird Flu is something the media keeps worrying about but I’m not sure how scared we should be. I think there are antibiotic-resistant bugs that are much more likely to cause us major problems before the bird flu learns how to spread from human to human. The resistant germs are everywhere because Western medicine has been doling out antibiotics like candy for way too many years.

In the past, TB was chiefly a disease of poverty; if people lived in crowded conditions and had poor diets, you could bet TB would be around. The spores last forever and have a hard shell for protection.

HIV AIDS and the immunodeficiency that it causes, leave victims wide open to TB and a host of other things. Then we give them every antibiotic known to man; which in the long run, makes the toughest bugs stronger and even more resistant. Those bugs go on to infect others who are in close contact, weak or immuno-suppressed for other reasons.

:::sigh::: aren’t you glad I added this cheery note? Sorry, but I just love scary books, especially if they are non-fiction

10:14 AM  
Blogger Flygirl said...

Love all the Preston books! They will be on my list of vacation books this summer when I've got lots of time to read them straight through! Thanks!
I'll probably come down with all of the symptoms of these scary diseases as I read about them. I'll come home from vacation dying from something...I'm sure!
But I will survive...ha!
Thanks for the info on our current Bird Flu situation. I agree that there's a lot of hype about this, and we've taken way tooooo many antibiotics for way tooooo many years. I've been very lucky and never had to take many "germ killers"... and hope to keep it that way!

7:24 AM  
Blogger Greybeard said...

My Dear Fly.....
I am SO glad to know we'll be face to face at the mini soon!

40+years! Is there any way possible to cover all that territory in the time allotted, and with 50 others that are interested in your story?

Of course not. But we'll sure as He** try!

6:51 AM  
Blogger Greybeard said...

Well, let's see now......

Last post, March 3rd.
March 3rd.......that's a long time ago, isn't it? Like TWO MONTHS?

I know you've been tinkering under "Hoosier Boys" hood....Doctors adjusting his spleen, or some other part. Surely there's something you could share with us from the land of tiny, slithering lizards?

8:51 AM  
Blogger Flygirl said...

The "crystal ball" again??? I'm try to come up with a post. I've been working on this project for the past day or two...
I'm still checking under HB's hood...only 2 doctor visits this week, but he ended up with some weird flu for the past 3 days. My God, will it ever end? I thought he was a healthy guy when we got married. I even checked out his teeth...ha!
All will improve and I will Post Again! Thanks for the nudge!

12:35 PM  

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